Welcome to my blog

Hi thanks for stopping by my new blog. On this blog I will be sharing my photographs and thoughts on photography.

First up I will be sharing images from my recent trip to Joshua Tree. It was an exciting trip and I am pleased with the images  I saw on my ground glass. It was also double exciting for me because it was the first time in years, decades that I went on a serious road/photo trip with my buddy Allen. Allen and I met back in 1993 at Pierce College in Mr. Soccoccio’s Photo 10 class. We shared interest in photography and life and became instant buddies. We must look like an odd couple since he is 6′ 4″ and I am a little guy coming in at 5″ 7.

Here is a picture of Allen last weekend in Joshua Tree. It was good to see him smile again. I think that photography will bring him back to his happier spirit once again after some hard years. Allen is important to my story as well because he built my darkroom. For that I will always be thankful! I give him a hard time for shooting digital but we joke with each other that way as friends and brothers do. Ennit. I will show my dark room in a future post, but now back to the Joshua trip…


We left last sunday night and drove through the night listening to the excellent The Head and the Heart last.fm station on my cell phone connected to the rented Prius car stereo. The perfect cocktail for an excellent road trip is an excellent co-pilot and great tunage! We arrived in Yucca Valley Motel 6 around midnight. For some reason I set up my 8 x 10 camera in the room and focused on the curtains and then went to sleep and got ready for a big day in the desert.